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A company asked me to write a class that implements the following specification:

A class Graph representing an undirected graph structure with weighted edges (i.e. a set of vertices with undirected edges connecting pairs of vertices, where each edge has a nonnegative weight). In addition to methods for adding and removing vertices, class Graph should define (at minimum) the following instance methods
def neighbor_vertices(self, a):
Return a sequence of vertices that are neighbors of vertex a (e.g. are joined by a single edge). Raise
an exception if a is not in the graph.

def neighbors(self, a, b):
    Return True if vertices a and b are joined by an edge, and False otherwise. Raise an exception if
    a or b are not in the graph.

def minimum_weight_path(self, a, b):
    Return a 2-tuple comprising the minimum-weight path connecting vertices a and b, and the associated minimum weight.
    Return None if no such path exists. Raise an exception if a or b are not in the graph.

def minimum_edge_path(self, a, b):
    Return a 2-tuple comprising the minimum-edge path connecting vertices a and b, and the associated minimum number
    of edges (e.g. a path comprising 3 edges is shorter than a path comprising 4 edges, regardless of the edge weights).
    Return None if no such path exists. Raise an exception if a or b are not in the graph.


This is a classic graph problem, and can be solved using Dijkstra’s algorithm. My implementation runs in O(|V| + |E|) as all vertices and edges might have to be traversed.

The code is available here: https://github.com/egafni/ErikGraph.


$ pip install erikgraph

Run Doctests

From the command line, type:

$ python -m doctest /path/to/erikgraph/__init__.py -v

or from an interactive session

import doctest
import erikgraph

G = Graph(['a'],[('a','b',2),('b','c',1)])
Expecting nothing
    'b' in G.data
10 items passed all tests:
   4 tests in __init__.Graph.__init__
   3 tests in __init__.Graph.add_edge
   4 tests in __init__.Graph.add_vertex
   4 tests in __init__.Graph.delete_edge
   5 tests in __init__.Graph.delete_vertex
   3 tests in __init__.Graph.get_edge_weight
   9 tests in __init__.Graph.minimum_edge_path
   9 tests in __init__.Graph.minimum_weight_path
   4 tests in __init__.Graph.neighbor_vertices
   4 tests in __init__.Graph.neighbors
49 tests in 15 items.
49 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

Using erikgraph

Shortest Path

To find the shortest path and its distance, use minimum_weight_path().

minimum_edge_path() will ignore edge weight values, and find the path between two nodes that utilizes the fewest number of total edges.

from erikgraph import Graph
G = Graph(edges=[
print G.minimum_weight_path('a','f')
(11, ['a', 'd', 'e', 'h', 'f'])
print G.minimum_edge_path('a','f')
(2, ['a', 'c', 'f'])

See the method’s API for details, which has plenty of examples.


class erikgraph.Graph(vertices=[], edges=[])[source]

A miniature graph class. Implements the following specification:

A class Graph representing an undirected graph structure with weighted edges (i.e. a set of vertices with undirected edges connecting pairs of vertices, where each edge has a nonnegative weight). In addition to methods for adding and removing vertices, class Graph should define (at minimum) the following instance methods

Property data:A dictionary who’s keys are vertices and values are another dictionary who’s keys are neighboring nodes and values are the weight connecting them
add_edge(v1, v2, weight)[source]
  • v1 – One of the vertices the edge is connecting to.
  • v2 – The other vertex.
  • weight – The weight associated with the edge.
>>> G = Graph()
>>> G.add_edge('a','b',1)
>>> G.data['b']['a'] == 1
Parameters:v – A vertex
>>> G = Graph()
>>> G.add_vertex('a')
>>> G.data['a']
>>> G.data['b']
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'b'
delete_edge(v1, v2)[source]
  • v1 – a vertex
  • v2 – a neighbor of v1
Raises VertexDoesNotExist:

if a or b are not in the graph

>>> G = Graph(edges=[('a','b',2)])
>>> G.neighbors('a','b')
>>> G.delete_edge('b','a')
>>> G.neighbors('a','b')
Parameters:v – the vertex to delete
>>> G = Graph(['x'],[('a','b',1)])
>>> 'b' in G.data
>>> G.delete_vertex('b')
>>> 'b' in G.data
>>> 'b' in G.neighbor_vertices('a')
get_edge_weight(a, b)[source]
Returns:The weight of the edge connecting a to b
Raises VertexDoesNotExist:
 if a or b are not in the graph
>>> G = Graph(edges=[('a','b',2)])
>>> G.get_edge_weight('a','b')
>>> G.get_edge_weight('a','x')
Traceback (most recent call last):
minimum_edge_path(a, b)[source]
Returns:a 2-tuple comprising the fewest number of edges required to get from vertex a to vertex b, and the path used. Returns None of there is no path from at to b.
Raises VertexDoesNotExist:
 if a or b are not in the graph.
>>> G = Graph(vertices=['x','y'],edges=[('x','y',3),('b','c',1),('a','c',2),('c','d',6),('d','e',2),('c','e',100)])
>>> G.minimum_edge_path('a','d')
(2, ['a', 'c', 'd'])
>>> G.minimum_edge_path('a','e')
(2, ['a', 'c', 'e'])
>>> G = Graph(vertices=['x','y'],edges=[('x','y',3),('b','c',1),('a','c',2),('c','d',4),('d','e',2),('c','e',1)])
>>> G.minimum_edge_path('a','e')
(2, ['a', 'c', 'e'])
>>> G.minimum_edge_path('a','x')
>>> G.minimum_edge_path('a','foo')
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> G = Graph(edges=[('a','c',10),('b','c',2),('c','f',20),('a','d',1),('d','e',5),('e','f',16),('e','h',1),('h','f',4),('d','h',7),('d','g',2)])
>>> G.minimum_edge_path('a','f')
(2, ['a', 'c', 'f'])
minimum_weight_path(a, b)[source]

Implementation of Single Source Shortest Path using Dijkstra’s

Returns:a 2-tuple comprising the minimum weight used by the shortest path from a to b, and the path used. Return None if no such path exists.
Raises VertexDoesNotExist:
 if a or b are not in the graph.
>>> G = Graph(vertices=['x','y'],edges=[('x','y',3),('b','c',1),('a','c',2),('c','d',6),('d','e',2),('c','e',100)])
>>> G.minimum_weight_path('a','d')
(8, ['a', 'c', 'd'])
>>> G.minimum_weight_path('a','e')
(10, ['a', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
>>> G = Graph(vertices=['x','y'],edges=[('x','y',3),('b','c',1),('a','c',2),('c','d',4),('d','e',2),('c','e',1)])
>>> G.minimum_weight_path('a','e')
(3, ['a', 'c', 'e'])
>>> G.minimum_weight_path('a','x')
>>> G.minimum_weight_path('a','foo')
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> G = Graph(edges=[('a','c',10),('b','c',2),('c','f',20),('a','d',1),('d','e',5),('e','f',16),('e','h',1),('h','f',4),('d','h',7),('d','g',2)])
>>> G.minimum_weight_path('a','f')
(11, ['a', 'd', 'e', 'h', 'f'])
Returns:a sequence of vertices that are neighbors of vertex a (e.g. are joined by a single edge).
Raises VertexDoesNotExist:
 if a is not in the graph.
>>> G = Graph(vertices=['a'],edges=[('b','c',1),('d','c',2)])
>>> ns = G.neighbor_vertices('c')
>>> 'b' in ns and 'd' in ns and 'a' not in ns
>>> G.neighbor_vertices('x')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VertexDoesNotExist: The vertex <x> does not exist in this graph
neighbors(a, b)[source]
Returns:True if vertices a and b are joined by an edge, and False otherwise.
Raises VertexDoesNotExist:
 if a or b are not in the graph.
>>> G = Graph(vertices=['a'],edges=[('b','c',1)])
>>> G.neighbors('c','b')
>>> G.neighbors('a','c')
>>> G.neighbors('a','x')
Traceback (most recent call last):
VertexDoesNotExist: The vertex <x> does not exist in this graph
single_source_shortest_path(a, b, use_weights=True)[source]

Implements Dijstra’s algorithm to determine the shortest path between vertices a and b

Returns:a 2-tuple comprising the minimum weight used by the shortest path from a to b, and the path used. Return None if no such path exists.
Raises VertexDoesNotExist:
 if a or b are not in the graph.

A list of vertices in the graph

exception erikgraph.VertexDoesNotExist[source]

Indices and tables

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